

An Early July video is a statement. We direct to be direct.

Early July produces videos for artists and brands, like you, who want to push themselves to show your audience who you truly are. 

We ask the questions to get to the core of what makes your project important to you. Our passion for getting to know you during pre-production is what makes us stand out in the visuals market. 

We work with your artistic message to translate it into on-brand visuals to share with the world. You’re our people if you’re bold and unapologetic about what you create. 

A video to us is much more than hitting record and dragging the files in to edit. We find that feeling, that x-factor in you and colorfully bring it to the screen. We have a team of excellent videographers and producers who work to make your experience just as exciting as seeing the final product. 


Our approach to video stays the same, whether it’s a music video or commercial.

  1. We scout locations to perfectly match the vibe you're looking for. 

  2. We provide in-depth storyboarding, collaborative styling advice, and craft a  script in your voice.

  3. While shooting we use our experience and expertise to get breathtaking shots while guiding you on camera so you never feel left in the dark.   

  4. We deliver a polished video that gives your brand the spark it’s been looking for.