
You want photos that speak for themselves.

No need for captions or hours of photoshop because you already know that your music, art, or products are dripping with originality. You’re a step away from really connecting with your audience, but the only missing pieces are some bold and badass photos showcasing exactly what people love about you.

Early July works with musicians, models, clothing brands, and more to create images that speak loud and clear. Our photos set the tone for artists ready to surprise their fans with a new look or provocative content. We do photoshoots that change brands and companies into influential trendsetters that know the difference between selling a product and creating a movement. 

Our photoshoots are about finding what makes you shine. We work with musicians, models, clothing brands and many more to create images that speak for themselves. Our photos set the tone for artists ready to surprise their fans with a new look or provocative content. We do photoshoots that change brands and companies into influential trendsetters that know the difference between selling a product and creating a movement.


Our Process

We capture our clients with the vision, style, and energy that photoshop can't recreate. Our process is one we enjoy because we personalize it with in-depth communication to make sure the shoot goes beyond your expectations.

  1. We design a mood board that exemplifies who you want to be and want you want to say

  2. We carefully pick locations to fit the looks we’ve chosen and the vision you’ve shared with us. 

  3. We shoot to let you be you. Posing can feel forced, but being yourself in front of the camera is easy when you're working with Early July. We’re here to make you feel as comfortable as possible and we’ll even make tailored playlists to have you vibing throughout the session. 

  4. We deliver edgy photos that will help you emphasize what makes you one of a kind.  

‘‘Shooting with Early July was refreshing and I felt free being myself.’’

- Jessica Cobbs (@froonthego)


''I was genuinely surprised at how easy and fun the process was. Honestly I hate taking photos that aren’t candid and when doing the photoshoot with Early July Productions there was a perfect balance between professionalism and fun. 

Above all, I trusted the direction given even though I couldn't see myself until after the photo was taken and it consistently surpassed my own imagination.''

- Ken Daniels

Content Creator