Fashionable, Daring, and Confident. Early July is what you need to go beyond your expectations.


“We give artists and brands undeniably authentic visual content that empowers their voice and imagination.”

You’re looking for real and authentic visuals that keep you front and center, without the ‘fancy’ edits. Our inspiration is the same as yours, to get you the attention you deserve, without changing who you are. 

Early July is all about highlighting what is naturally you.

We work with brands and artists on their image giving them that Early July feel. Simple, fresh, and edgy.

Ready to bring that Early July feeling to your brand?

Early July is showing others what you already know about yourself, your X-Factor.

What is Early July?

Early July is the mood and attitude of the first free days of a summer. We help brands and artists unleash their voice through creative direction, well-crafted production, and visual expertise. We capture confidence and produce charisma.​

Early July offers video production, photography, and digital content in Portugal, Spain, and globally. We create content that is a reflection of what makes our clients dope. From pre-production to the final product, Early July is stylish, clean, and original.

Working With Us.

Early July speaks the same language as the artists and brands we work with. We understand the challenges they face when trying to produce top-level content. Most artists have to wear a million hats and learn on the go, sometimes feeling like they've lost their voice and true personal image. We help our clients by not only improving their image and providing them with content, but bringing out their voice and personal image that feels true and good to them - without all the hats. 

When you work with Early July we will give you the edge to push boundaries and set the tone in your market. We help redefine and reimagine your message so you can show the world what embodying boldness really means.